If change is good, then new must be great. However, it is not. It is just new. It doesn’t guarantee that it is good. It is new. It doesn’t mean that it is better than previous things. It is new. It doesn’t mean that everything before it was stupid, outdated or worthless. It is new. That is all that it is. I wish we would get over the idea that “change”, “cutting edge”, “new” and “pushing the envelope” are words that are equal to good. They are just forms of saying the word “different.”
When you try to be different, guess what? Sometimes you fall flat on your face. In fact, sometimes when you push the envelope, you really are in an undefined genre that isn’t all that creative. It’s just a semi-change on an old concept or maybe a wild attempt at trying to be different.
I’ve seen it in writing, art, entertainment and even education. The desire to do something new and make a mark is strong. It can cause people to get notoriety. Sometimes it results in a great, great piece of work. People who view it are affected and enjoy it immensely.
The above happens when you achieve success in this endeavor. These events are also the minority. Most people who try to cut the edge keep doing this until it eventually becomes a crutch to do mediocre work. They avoid an area where someone else has done excellent work. It’s easier to show your creativity, not your skill, because skill takes time, and usually a lot of it.
Don’t let this be you. Do something great, not necessarily revolutionary. Don’t worry. When you finally make things consistently great, creativity pours out of you as a consequence. I’ve seen it happen in multiple people more times than you would think. You end up making something extremely revolutionary and groundbreaking in a way that all can appreciate. Who knew?